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Aug 27Liked by James Tesauro

The 'email glitch' is Hubert's stock in trade. I live in Rock County where she does. She was in charge of Trumps campaign here in 2020. The grassroots conservatives would conveniently be left off emails. Her excuse was that that portion of her distribution list died, or whatever.. however, our names spanned the entire alphabet, so that didn't fly. Next it was sending an email the day of an event(in her role in Rock County first, or possibly the county gop.. bad enough, but the email would say the event was TOMORROW NIGHT. while the date was accurate, it was clear that I wasn't welcome. She is doing this as Trump's campaign manager. I tried everyway a citizen can to tell Trump, but I honestly wonder about that man, and what the hell he is doing? Also, of note, the county GOP, which I think Daniel Hubert runs??? never attempts to field candidates for various county offices, like county clerk.. important when you realize that Seth Keshel said fraud was rampant here in Rock County in 2020.. and they actually recommended we vote for Lisa Tollefson! The shit is so deep in this county that the county should give out clothespins for peoples' noses.. Rock County, esp. Janesville is the capitol of the Uniparty.. remember.. Paul Ryan is from Janesville.. Part of our infamous Irish Mafia

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